Driven by Collaboration

What's behind a billion-dollar data center campus?

Meta, Los Lunas Campus






Los Lunas, NM

Square Feet


It really takes a village when you start a large-scale data center campus from scratch…a very large village. Our team was strategically assembled based on previous builds with Meta, a plan to grow with local hires and partnerships, and a deep pool of supporting resources. A foundation for success was set early with preconstruction efforts, and this success is reflected by years of expansion following the first phase, which now encompasses nearly 3.8 million square feet of construction and an investment of $2.2 billion.

Projects Based on Partnership

Building Complex Environments and Strong Relationships

  • Campus
  • Sustainability
  • Virtual Design & Construction
Confidential Client, Nevada Office and InfrastructureConfidential Client, Nevada Office and Infrastructure

Confidential Client, Nevada Office and Infrastructure

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  • Philanthropy + Empowerment
  • Sustainability
  • Virtual Design & Construction
Multnomah County, East County LibraryMultnomah County, East County Library

Multnomah County, East County Library

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