Structured by Culture

Do Beaver baseball fans get excited to build Beaver baseball projects?

Oregon State University, Goss Stadium Omaha Room and Casey Corner


Oregon State University


HNTB Architecture, Inc.


Corvallis, OR

Square Feet


Fortis’ upgrade and expansion of historic Goss Stadium added the new Omaha Room, provided additional right-field bleachers, introduced the new Casey Corner, and incorporated a new ground-level entry with trophy room. The Omaha Room celebrates the OSU Baseball Team’s rich history and national championships won in Omaha while providing modern amenity space for Beaver fans.

Projects Based on Partnership

Building Complex Environments and Strong Relationships

  • Campus
  • Sustainability
  • Virtual Design & Construction
Confidential Client, Nevada Office and InfrastructureConfidential Client, Nevada Office and Infrastructure

Confidential Client, Nevada Office and Infrastructure

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  • Philanthropy + Empowerment
  • Sustainability
  • Virtual Design & Construction
Multnomah County, East County LibraryMultnomah County, East County Library

Multnomah County, East County Library

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