Building for Community

How do you accommodate students' diverse lifestyles?

Oregon State University, Upper Division Student Housing


Oregon State University


Mahlum Architects


Corvallis, OR

Square Feet


The Upper Division Student Housing project is a new five-story housing facility for Oregon State University’s upper-classmen and graduate students. This modern building will offer 25 single-occupancy studios and 99 two-bedroom suite apartments that can be configured for both single-student occupancy and students with partners and/or dependents. The studios and apartments have been designed to promote comfort and community. Each unit is equipped with a full kitchen and bathroom to accommodate the student’s diverse lifestyles and preferences. To keep the campus’ spirit of community and collaboration, the building will feature several shared spaces, including a lounge, kitchen, study nooks, and an outdoor patio.

Using OSU’s Best Practices for Accessibility, the project will enhance campus connectivity and accessibility through walkway improvements and campus building connections. Aligning with Oregon’s guidelines, the City of Corvallis’s goals for sustainability, and OSU’s Pathway to Carbon Neutrality plan, the new building will not only use sustainable build practices, but will encourage walking, public transit, biking, and carpooling. Currently under construction and slated to open fall 2024, Fortis is working with Mahlum Architects to seamlessly integrate the building with the surrounding campus and community, providing students with a peaceful and safe environment.

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