Driven by Challenges

When does the construction you can't see lead to big improvements?

Portland State University, Campus Utilities Loop


Portland State University


Winzler & Kelly


Portland, OR

The PSU Campus Utilities Loop was completed to provide needed utility capacity to address consistent growth of the urban campus. Fortis replaced the existing steam-and-chilled-water piping throughout the campus and installed new utility tunnels, chillers and emergency generators. In the existing tunnels, Fortis replaced 1,500’ of 6” chilled-water piping and 1,200’ of 8” and 12” steam piping. In the new utility tunnels, which are 900 linear feet of concrete box culverts that are 10’ x 12’ wide, new utility services were installed with 2,600’ of 18” chilled-water piping and 1,300’ of 12” high-pressure steam piping. The final “loop” connects the West and South ends of the campus to the North and East. Fortis also delivered a 1,000-ton chiller plant tied into the loop.

Projects Based on Partnership

Building Complex Environments and Strong Relationships

  • Campus
  • Sustainability
  • Virtual Design & Construction
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Confidential Client, Nevada Office and Infrastructure

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  • Philanthropy + Empowerment
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  • Virtual Design & Construction
Multnomah County, East County LibraryMultnomah County, East County Library

Multnomah County, East County Library

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