Driven by Impact

When can one floor of construction improve the lives of thousands?

Providence Health & Services, Portland Medical Center Franz Cancer Center


Providence Health & Services


JRJ Architects


Portland, OR

Square Feet


Fortis and JRJ Architects delivered this $12M, 30,000sf Providence Portland Medical Center mechanical upgrade and 11th floor Cancer Center remodel within a very constrained, active medical center. The mechanical upgrade included the largest Air Handling Unit (AHU) installed to date at a Cancer Center in Oregon; it required that the massive system be lifted up and over a fully occupied patient tower and installed on the roof of the Cancer Center. The effort was a resounding success with a non-impact staging, setting and startup of the new HVAC system for this occupied Cancer Center. Within the facility, Fortis built out an infusion area, treatment rooms, pharmacies, physician offices and support spaces. Working in close proximity to delicate patients and Providence staff members and doctors, our construction team ensured particular care was given to how work was done, how tools and materials were brought into the space, and to each interaction with patients and staff (if at all needed).

Projects Based on Partnership

Building Complex Environments and Strong Relationships

  • Campus
  • Sustainability
  • Virtual Design & Construction
Confidential Client, Nevada Office and InfrastructureConfidential Client, Nevada Office and Infrastructure

Confidential Client, Nevada Office and Infrastructure

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  • Philanthropy + Empowerment
  • Sustainability
  • Virtual Design & Construction
Multnomah County, East County LibraryMultnomah County, East County Library

Multnomah County, East County Library

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