Building with Safety

What's the importance of building safely on an active campus?

University Of Oregon, Oregon Hall Renovation


University of Oregon


Pivot Architecture


Eugene, OR

Square Feet


Oregon Hall is home to many UO administrative and student-service departments and comprises 55,000 square feet over four floors. The $8.7M renovation took advantage of recently vacated space on the building’s first floor to co-locate high-use student-services departments into a layout that would allow them to best organize, work and serve students. This complex, phased-project included an HVAC system upgrade, new exterior windows, a complete build-out of the west wing, and renovations to occupied spaces on all four floors of the east wing. Indoor air quality management, noise concerns and coordination of building automation controls were top priorities as the building remained occupied during construction.

Projects Based on Partnership

Building Complex Environments and Strong Relationships

  • Campus
  • Sustainability
  • Virtual Design & Construction
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Confidential Client, Nevada Office and Infrastructure

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  • Philanthropy + Empowerment
  • Sustainability
  • Virtual Design & Construction
Multnomah County, East County LibraryMultnomah County, East County Library

Multnomah County, East County Library

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