Aaron Duda Profile PictureAaron Duda Profile Picture

Driven by Growth

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.” -Pelé

Aaron Duda

Marketing Coordinator

Aaron Hanlon Profile PictureAaron Hanlon Profile Picture

Structured by Optimism

Best day ever!!!

Aaron Hanlon

Sr. M&E Superintendent

Aaron Payne Profile PictureAaron Payne Profile Picture

Empowered by Inspiration

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less." - C.S. Lewis

Aaron Payne

M&E Project Manager

Aaron Sorenson Profile PictureAaron Sorenson Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Aaron Sorenson

Sr. Project Engineer

Aaron Thorpe Profile PictureAaron Thorpe Profile Picture

Leading with experience

I’ve done so much with so little for so long, I can now do the impossible with nothing!

Aaron Thorpe


Adam Christensen Profile PictureAdam Christensen Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

Whatever you are, be a good one.

Adam Christensen

Project Manager

Adam Horecki Profile PictureAdam Horecki Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

Adam Horecki

Project Manager

Adam Niemi Profile PictureAdam Niemi Profile Picture

Structured by Optimism

P.M.A. = Positive Mental Attitude

Adam Niemi

Sr. Procurement Engineer

Addison Dreiszus Profile PictureAddison Dreiszus Profile Picture

Leading with Strength

“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Addison Dreiszus

Office Coordinator

Adiaman Sundaram Profile PictureAdiaman Sundaram Profile Picture

Built with intention

You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future.

Adiaman Sundaram

Sr. Site Supervisor

Adrian Koh Profile PictureAdrian Koh Profile Picture

Leading with experience

If you never try, you’ll never know.

Adrian Koh

Senior Project Engineer (Data Analyst)

Agavazhakan Murugesan Profile PictureAgavazhakan Murugesan Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

The future depends on what you do today.

Agavazhakan Murugesan

Site Manager

Agnes Tong Profile PictureAgnes Tong Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Let kindness ripple.

Agnes Tong

HR Business Partner

AJ MacLaren Profile PictureAJ MacLaren Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Attitude reflects leadership.

AJ MacLaren

Sr. Field Engineer

Akabir Singh Profile PictureAkabir Singh Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

Favorite Book: “48 Laws of Power”

Akabir Singh

Project Engineer

Alejandro Sanchez Profile PictureAlejandro Sanchez Profile Picture

Constructed with wisdom

Chance favors the prepared.

Alejandro Sanchez

Sr. Commissioning Manager

Alex Liang Profile PictureAlex Liang Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Live life to the fullest, and treat others with kindness and how you would like to be treated.

Alex Liang

VDC Coordinator

Alexa Jellison Profile PictureAlexa Jellison Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Surprising Skill: Crossword, jigsaw and logic puzzles

Alexa Jellison

Project Manager

Alfedo Galvan Profile PictureAlfedo Galvan Profile Picture

Empowered by action

Surprising skill: soccer

Alfedo Galvan

Assistant Superintendent

Alfredo Magallanes Profile PictureAlfredo Magallanes Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

"There is no need to fear any problem you are working on. If you are working on it, then you are influencing the outcome." - James Clear

Alfredo Magallanes

Assistant Mechanical Superintendent

Alicia Williams Profile PictureAlicia Williams Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Nothing succeeds like success.

Alicia Williams

Contracts Administrator

Aliesha Schumacher Profile PictureAliesha Schumacher Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

A positive mindset brings positive things.

Aliesha Schumacher

Office Manager

Allie Lantz Profile PictureAllie Lantz Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

I work hard to give my dogs the backyard they deserve!

Allie Lantz

Sr. Cost Control Engineer

Alyssa Balderrama Profile PictureAlyssa Balderrama Profile Picture

Leading With Confidence

"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." - Amelia Earhart

Alyssa Balderrama

Project Engineer

Amanda DeMoss Profile PictureAmanda DeMoss Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

Best time of day: The moment I get my first cup of coffee

Amanda DeMoss

Sr. Project Accountant

Amanda Varner Kramer Profile PictureAmanda Varner Kramer Profile Picture

Structured by Optimism

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Amanda Varner Kramer

Scheduling Manager

Amber Hofer Profile PictureAmber Hofer Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

Amber Hofer

Safety Manager

Amber Page Profile PictureAmber Page Profile Picture

Building with Intention

Surprise skill: wrenching/building vintage vespa engines

Amber Page

DEI Specialist

Ameer Bakrudheen Profile PictureAmeer Bakrudheen Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Ameer Bakrudheen

Site Supervisor

Amy Klabunde Profile PictureAmy Klabunde Profile Picture

Constructed with wisdom

If you want to change your life, change your choices.

Amy Klabunde

Sr. Safety Manager

Ananthan Samikanoo Profile PictureAnanthan Samikanoo Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Never ever give up.

Ananthan Samikanoo

Site Manager

Andrew Chin Profile PictureAndrew Chin Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

Be water, my friend.

Andrew Chin

Sr. QA/QC Manager

Andrew Downes Profile PictureAndrew Downes Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.

Andrew Downes

Project Manager

Andrew Grouios Profile PictureAndrew Grouios Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

"He who slings mud generally loses ground." -Adlai Stevenson

Andrew Grouios

Procurement Engineer

Andrew Pitts Profile PictureAndrew Pitts Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Andrew Pitts

Sr. Project Manager

Andrew Soh Profile PictureAndrew Soh Profile Picture

Focused on safety

Stay healthy and stay safe.

Andrew Soh

HSE Manager

Andy Carder Profile PictureAndy Carder Profile Picture

Inspired by adventure

Dream destination: Bali

Andy Carder

M&E Superintendent

Andy Ferroggiaro Profile PictureAndy Ferroggiaro Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

“Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough.” – Richard Feynman

Andy Ferroggiaro

House Counsel

Andy Knutson Profile PictureAndy Knutson Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

Is your cup half full or half empty.

Andy Knutson


Andy Watson Profile PictureAndy Watson Profile Picture

Constructed with Wisdom

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." - Winston Churchill

Andy Watson

Sr. Superintendent

Angela Haen Profile PictureAngela Haen Profile Picture

Inspired by Adventure

“If you don't do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.” – Warren Miller

Angela Haen

HR Business Partner

Angela Saylors Profile PictureAngela Saylors Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little braver each time.” – Brene Brown

Angela Saylors

Sr. Graphic Designer

Angelica Blake Profile PictureAngelica Blake Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

Angelica Blake


Angelica Gonzales Profile PictureAngelica Gonzales Profile Picture

Inspired by adventure

Dream destination: any beach

Angelica Gonzales

Administrative Assistant

Anna Sivokonenko Profile PictureAnna Sivokonenko Profile Picture

Constructed with wisdom

“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Babe Ruth

Anna Sivokonenko

Project Accountant

Annika Granfors Profile PictureAnnika Granfors Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Laughter is the best medicine.

Annika Granfors

Project Engineer

Anthony Morton Profile PictureAnthony Morton Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“Things at Fortis are constantly evolving and changing, but working with great team members and clients is always consistent.”

Anthony Morton

Sr. Project Manager

Archie Calingasan Profile PictureArchie Calingasan Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

Do to others what you want them to do to you.

Archie Calingasan

Commissioning Manager

Arian Robles Profile PictureArian Robles Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Spain

Arian Robles

QAQC Engineer

Arnel Cabais Profile PictureArnel Cabais Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Respect is earned, not given.

Arnel Cabais

Sr. Site Supervisor

Art Neri Profile PictureArt Neri Profile Picture

Leading with experience

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it enough.

Art Neri

Project Manager

Ashley Buchanan Profile PictureAshley Buchanan Profile Picture

Leading with experience

A surprising skill: se habla Espanol

Ashley Buchanan

Sr. Preconstruction Manager

Ashley Mead Profile PictureAshley Mead Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

“Life is short, and every moment is precious.” – Gad Saad

Ashley Mead

Contracts Administrator

Audrey Blagen Profile PictureAudrey Blagen Profile Picture

Structured by Optimism

Optimism: it’s not just a's a behavior.

Audrey Blagen

M&E Project Manager

Austin Clark Profile PictureAustin Clark Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Don’t stop until you’re proud.

Austin Clark

Sr. Commissioning Engineer

Azara Tilt Profile PictureAzara Tilt Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure


Azara Tilt

M&E Project Engineer

Azri Bin Omar Profile PictureAzri Bin Omar Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Ignorance is no longer a bliss.

Azri Bin Omar

Design Manager

Barry Shephard Profile PictureBarry Shephard Profile Picture

Driven by wisdom

Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.

Barry Shephard

Assistant Superintendent

Basheer Ahamed Profile PictureBasheer Ahamed Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Best time of day: Dinnertime

Basheer Ahamed

Project Engineer

Baskaran Rengasamy Profile PictureBaskaran Rengasamy Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

Teamwork is valuable.

Baskaran Rengasamy

Site Supervisor

Beau Brundage Profile PictureBeau Brundage Profile Picture

Driven by Adventure

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it” – Yogi Berra

Beau Brundage

Project Engineer

Beau Valdez Profile PictureBeau Valdez Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.” – William Penn

Beau Valdez

Assistant Superintendent

Ben English Profile PictureBen English Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

Luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity.

Ben English


Ben Zalewski Profile PictureBen Zalewski Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“If you will it, it is no dream.” – Theodor Herzl

Ben Zalewski

Project Manager

Benjamin Morgan Profile PictureBenjamin Morgan Profile Picture

Driven by Commitment

"People think that the grass is always greener over there, the grass is greener where you water it." - Wolfgang Puck

Benjamin Morgan

Sr. Safety Engineer

Bill Morrow Profile PictureBill Morrow Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Australia

Bill Morrow

Sr. Superintendent

Billie Wright Profile PictureBillie Wright Profile Picture

Inspired by Humility

"Work hard in silence, and let your success be your noise." - Anonymous

Billie Wright

Document Control Administrator

Blain Grover Profile PictureBlain Grover Profile Picture

Leading with strength

If it doesn’t budge, get a double jack.

Blain Grover

Utah Business Unit Leader

Blaine Pincock Profile PictureBlaine Pincock Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

“If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” – Sir Isaac Newton

Blaine Pincock

Sr. Project Engineer

Blake Heston Profile PictureBlake Heston Profile Picture

Empowered by Positivity

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Blake Heston

QA/QC Engineer

Blake Sheppard Profile PictureBlake Sheppard Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Best time of day: 10 a.m. on NFL Sundays

Blake Sheppard

Sr. Project Engineer

Bobby Santos Profile PictureBobby Santos Profile Picture

Empowered by action

You have to go out there and do your best and help the team win.

Bobby Santos

Project Engineer

Bonni Stover Profile PictureBonni Stover Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Do good and let the donkeys bray.

Bonni Stover

Sr. Marketing Manager

Brad Miszkiel Profile PictureBrad Miszkiel Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

If you want to go somewhere, you have to put your family first.

Brad Miszkiel

Assistant Superintendent

Brad Schmitt Profile PictureBrad Schmitt Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

A favorite destination: Scotland

Brad Schmitt

Sr. Project Manager

Brandon Busciglio Profile PictureBrandon Busciglio Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

In order to write about life, first you must live it.

Brandon Busciglio

Project Accountant

Brandon Eastman Profile PictureBrandon Eastman Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Leadership should be about how many people we serve, not how many people we have serving us.

Brandon Eastman

Talent Acquisition Manager

Brandon Murphy Profile PictureBrandon Murphy Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Brandon Murphy

Mechanical Superintendent

Brendan O'Kane Profile PictureBrendan O'Kane Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Blue skies!

Brendan O'Kane

Commissioning Manager

Brent Schrock Profile PictureBrent Schrock Profile Picture

Inspired by People

Best time of day: happy hour

Brent Schrock

Sr. Data Engineer

Brett Jackson Profile PictureBrett Jackson Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.

Brett Jackson

Data Engineer

Brett Mitchell Profile PictureBrett Mitchell Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right!” – Henry Ford

Brett Mitchell

Risk Team Lead

Brian Daniels Profile PictureBrian Daniels Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Communication or confrontation, you decide.

Brian Daniels

M&E Project Manager

Brian Gruenemay Profile PictureBrian Gruenemay Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

Never stop moving; live a lifetime in a day.

Brian Gruenemay

Preconstruction Manager

Brian Hicks Profile PictureBrian Hicks Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela

Brian Hicks

Assistant Superintendent

Brian Lowery Profile PictureBrian Lowery Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.

Brian Lowery

Project Manager

Brian Witty Profile PictureBrian Witty Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“Be the leader you wish you had.” – Simon Sinek

Brian Witty

Sr. M&E Project Manager

Brooklyn Edwards Profile PictureBrooklyn Edwards Profile Picture

Focused on Improvement

“Life is a dance, you learn as you go.” - John Michael Montgomery

Brooklyn Edwards

Project Engineer

Bryan Kim Profile PictureBryan Kim Profile Picture

Leading with Determination

Do my best & take responsibility.

Bryan Kim

Sr. M&E Project Manager

Bryan Penhollow Profile PictureBryan Penhollow Profile Picture

Driven by Wisdom

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Bryan Penhollow

Sr. M&E Superintendent

Bryanna Lopez Profile PictureBryanna Lopez Profile Picture

Empowered by Inspiration

Everything happens for a reason & if it’s meant to be, it will be.

Bryanna Lopez

M&E Project Engineer

Bryse Fahey Profile PictureBryse Fahey Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.” – Elbert Hubbard

Bryse Fahey

HR Manager

Burl Hudson Profile PictureBurl Hudson Profile Picture

Leading with strength

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Burl Hudson

Warehouse Technician

Caitlin Maguire Profile PictureCaitlin Maguire Profile Picture

Driven by Optimism

Don’t focus on what’s lost, focus on what’s left.

Caitlin Maguire

Prequalifications Professional

Caleb DeCarolis Profile PictureCaleb DeCarolis Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney

Caleb DeCarolis

Project Engineer

Cameron Hein Profile PictureCameron Hein Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.

Cameron Hein

Sr. Project Manager

Candice Noe-Hill Profile PictureCandice Noe-Hill Profile Picture

Driven by Positivity

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot” - Michael Altshuler

Candice Noe-Hill

Project Engineer

Carlos Sanchez Profile PictureCarlos Sanchez Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

Carlos Sanchez

VDC Manager

Caroline Burri Profile PictureCaroline Burri Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

You cannot fully appreciate the outer world until you are at peace with the inner world.

Caroline Burri

Safety Engineer

Carrie Walker Profile PictureCarrie Walker Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Carrie Walker

Accounts Payable Specialist

Carson Buxton Profile PictureCarson Buxton Profile Picture

Driven by integrity

"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one" - Marcus Aurelius

Carson Buxton

Project Engineer

Carsten Manderbach Profile PictureCarsten Manderbach Profile Picture

Building with Fortitude

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” – Yogi Berra

Carsten Manderbach

Procurement Engineer

Cary Hagan Profile PictureCary Hagan Profile Picture

Structured by Advancement

“You live and you learn. At any rate, you live.” - Douglas Adams

Cary Hagan


Casey Otteman Profile PictureCasey Otteman Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

"Set your goals high, and don't stop until you get there." - Bo Jackson

Casey Otteman

Safety Manager

Cecilia Pirani Profile PictureCecilia Pirani Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“Do more than expected.” – Napoleon Hill

Cecilia Pirani

HR Benefits & Compensation Specialist

Celine Yap Profile PictureCeline Yap Profile Picture

Empowered by experience

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Celine Yap

Sr. Project Accountant

Chad Patton Profile PictureChad Patton Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Argentina

Chad Patton

Sr. Superintendent

Chandler Coffey Profile PictureChandler Coffey Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“It must be a poor life that achieves freedom from fear” – Aldo Leopold

Chandler Coffey

Project Manager

Charlie Holm Profile PictureCharlie Holm Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Just do it.

Charlie Holm

Data Center Business Unit Leader

Charlie McClain Profile PictureCharlie McClain Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Best time of day: Sunrise

Charlie McClain


Chase Stickler Profile PictureChase Stickler Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

Good better best, never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.

Chase Stickler

Project Engineer

Chelle Pape Profile PictureChelle Pape Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

You get what you give.

Chelle Pape

Contracts Manager

Chelsea Duda Profile PictureChelsea Duda Profile Picture

Motivated by optimism

"Be the person your dog thinks you are." - C.J. Frick

Chelsea Duda

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Chinnasamy Thangadurai Profile PictureChinnasamy Thangadurai Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Love all, serve all, help ever, hurt never.

Chinnasamy Thangadurai

Site Manager

Chip Lovejoy Profile PictureChip Lovejoy Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Thinking “here goes nothing” could be the start of everything.

Chip Lovejoy

Sr. QA/QC Manager

Chong Wai Kent Profile PictureChong Wai Kent Profile Picture

Building with Focus

One day at a time

Chong Wai Kent

Project Engineer

Chris Bradford Profile PictureChris Bradford Profile Picture

Driven by Adventure

Surprising skill: tying my own fishing flies.

Chris Bradford


Chris Martinez Profile PictureChris Martinez Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." - Abraham Lincoln

Chris Martinez

Safety Manager

Chris Warner Profile PictureChris Warner Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Belize

Chris Warner

Sr. Project Manager

Chris Wright Profile PictureChris Wright Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today.

Chris Wright

Sr. Mechanical Superintendent

Christa Mahoney Profile PictureChrista Mahoney Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Israel

Christa Mahoney

GMP Accountant

Christian Bustillos Profile PictureChristian Bustillos Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

"If you don’t like something change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude." -Maya Angelou

Christian Bustillos

Sr. Field Engineer

Christina Fan Profile PictureChristina Fan Profile Picture

Leading with Gratitude

In all things, give thanks

Christina Fan

Document Control Lead

Christina York Profile PictureChristina York Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

“Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.” – Mary Oliver

Christina York

Executive Vice President HR + Inclusion

Christopher Weaver Profile PictureChristopher Weaver Profile Picture

Building with purpose

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Christopher Weaver

M&E Superintendent

Christy Loew Profile PictureChristy Loew Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“One must be what one can be.” – Abraham Maslow

Christy Loew

Sr. Project Engineer

Cinthya Granados Profile PictureCinthya Granados Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Here for a good time, not a long time.

Cinthya Granados

Document Control Administrator

Claire Huddleston Profile PictureClaire Huddleston Profile Picture

Leading with Inspiration

“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and so is our character.” – Billy Graham

Claire Huddleston

Project Engineer

Cliff Taylor Profile PictureCliff Taylor Profile Picture

Leading with experience

There’s no problems, only solutions.

Cliff Taylor


Cody Lightner Profile PictureCody Lightner Profile Picture

Constructed with wisdom

Every problem is a character-building opportunity.

Cody Lightner

Assistant Superintendent

Cole Thomas Profile PictureCole Thomas Profile Picture

Leading with strength

The definition of extreme is to go past your known limits by an unknown amount.

Cole Thomas

Sr. Project Engineer

Colin Bunn Profile PictureColin Bunn Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Not dead, can’t quit.

Colin Bunn

Project Engineer

Conner Stillwell Profile PictureConner Stillwell Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

Surprising skill: ultimate frisbee

Conner Stillwell

Marketing Coordinator

Connor Rooney Profile PictureConnor Rooney Profile Picture

Constructed with pride

Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

Connor Rooney

Sr. Project Engineer

Cooper Lawhead Profile PictureCooper Lawhead Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“We all make decisions. But in the end, our decisions make us.” – Tiger Woods

Cooper Lawhead

Sr. Project Engineer

Corey Gruba Profile PictureCorey Gruba Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Live life the fullest.

Corey Gruba


Corey Johnson Profile PictureCorey Johnson Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Nothing to it but to do it.

Corey Johnson

Assistant Superintendent

Cotton McNutt Profile PictureCotton McNutt Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Cotton McNutt

Data Center Business Unit Leader

Court Hyer Profile PictureCourt Hyer Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: South Africa

Court Hyer

Project Manager

Courtney Norris Profile PictureCourtney Norris Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why they call it the present.

Courtney Norris


Craig Compton Profile PictureCraig Compton Profile Picture

Leading with positivity

Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you.

Craig Compton

General Superintendent

Craig Lazzerini Profile PictureCraig Lazzerini Profile Picture

Driven by inspiration

Surprising skill: playing guitar

Craig Lazzerini

M&E Project Manager

Creggan Wagstaff Profile PictureCreggan Wagstaff Profile Picture

Motivated by Teamwork

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." - Aristotle

Creggan Wagstaff

Preconstruction Manager

Curtis Shepherd Profile PictureCurtis Shepherd Profile Picture

Motivated by challenges

Be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Curtis Shepherd

Sr. M&E Estimator

Cyndi Harrington Profile PictureCyndi Harrington Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

The grass is greener where you water it.

Cyndi Harrington

Office Coordinator

Damon Bennett Profile PictureDamon Bennett Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Do what’s right.

Damon Bennett


Dan Boel Profile PictureDan Boel Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson

Dan Boel

Sr. Project Manager

Dan Hopper Profile PictureDan Hopper Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Less about the victory lap and more about the laps to get to the victory!

Dan Hopper

Project Manager

Dan Smith Profile PictureDan Smith Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.

Dan Smith

Project Manager

Dani Gilmore Profile PictureDani Gilmore Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.

Dani Gilmore

Project Accountant

Daniel Houf Profile PictureDaniel Houf Profile Picture

Leading with strength

“It’s not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” – Rocky Balboa

Daniel Houf

Sr. Project Engineer

Daniel Reyes Jr. Profile PictureDaniel Reyes Jr. Profile Picture

Constructed with pride

Open Project

Daniel Reyes Jr.

Project Estimator

Daniel Reyes Sr. Profile PictureDaniel Reyes Sr. Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Nada sucede hasta que algo se mueve. (Nothing happens until something moves.)

Daniel Reyes Sr.

Assistant Superintendent

Daniel Trujillo Profile PictureDaniel Trujillo Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

“If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it.” – Muhammad Ali 

Daniel Trujillo

Electrical Superintendent

Danielle Girolami Profile PictureDanielle Girolami Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.” – Muriel Rukeyser

Danielle Girolami

HR Coordinator

Danilo Leonen Profile PictureDanilo Leonen Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Danilo Leonen

Senior Project Engineer (QA/QC)

Dario Olivas Profile PictureDario Olivas Profile Picture

Empowered by Learning

“Every experience, good or bad, you have to learn from.” - Patrick Mahomes

Dario Olivas

Site Services Superintendent

David Aaroe Profile PictureDavid Aaroe Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

The summit is only half way.

David Aaroe


David Haines Profile PictureDavid Haines Profile Picture

Motivated by progress

"The journey, no matter the distance, always starts with a single step." - Ancient Proverb

David Haines

Procurement Engineer

David Long Profile PictureDavid Long Profile Picture

Built with Wisdom

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller - Dr Richard Chambers

David Long

M&E Superintendent

David Morehead Profile PictureDavid Morehead Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

Everything is an observation not an accusation; together let’s figure the best recommendation.

David Morehead

Safety Manager

David Wright Profile PictureDavid Wright Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

There are many people who will put you down. Don’t be one of them.

David Wright

Project Manager

Deivendran Ayyanan Profile PictureDeivendran Ayyanan Profile Picture

Driven by adventure

Favorite destination: India

Deivendran Ayyanan

Site Supervisor

Delhi Babu Murugan Profile PictureDelhi Babu Murugan Profile Picture

Inspired by curiosity

Favorite destination: New York

Delhi Babu Murugan

Site Supervisor

Devan Arterberry Profile PictureDevan Arterberry Profile Picture

Driven by wisdom

The most expensive thing in the world is trust. It can take years to earn and just seconds to lose.

Devan Arterberry

M&E Project Manager

Devon Ramlal Profile PictureDevon Ramlal Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

Always be intentional to learn from everyone you meet and seek wisdom and knowledge and apply what you learn.

Devon Ramlal

Project Engineer

Dhananjayan Venkatesan Profile PictureDhananjayan Venkatesan Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Dhananjayan Venkatesan

Site Supervisor

Dillibabu Annamalai Profile PictureDillibabu Annamalai Profile Picture

Inspired by adventure

Dream destination: United States of America

Dillibabu Annamalai

Site Supervisor

Dominic Chong Profile PictureDominic Chong Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

Dominic Chong

Project Engineer

Don Chang Profile PictureDon Chang Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Live each day to the fullest.

Don Chang

Sr. Project Engineer

Don Gross Profile PictureDon Gross Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Be someone who makes a difference, by being respectful and kind to people and animals.

Don Gross

Site Services Superintendent

Donny Bonin Profile PictureDonny Bonin Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Make every minute count.

Donny Bonin

Safety Manager

Donovan Griffin Profile PictureDonovan Griffin Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

True wisdom comes to one who has traveled far and knows the ways of the world.

Donovan Griffin

Sr. Safety Manager

Doug Hallstrom Profile PictureDoug Hallstrom Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: New Zealand

Doug Hallstrom

Sr. Superintendent

Durairaj Vijai Profile PictureDurairaj Vijai Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Time is more than money.

Durairaj Vijai

Sr. Site Supervisor

Dushyant Negi Profile PictureDushyant Negi Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Dushyant Negi

BIM Coordinator

Dustin Gianotti Profile PictureDustin Gianotti Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

“Better days are coming.” – my grandpa

Dustin Gianotti

Construction Technologist

Dustyn Strickland Profile PictureDustyn Strickland Profile Picture

Inspired by Optimism

"Believe You Can and You’re Halfway There." - Theodore Roosevelt

Dustyn Strickland

M&E Superintendent

Dylan Mazour Profile PictureDylan Mazour Profile Picture

Constructed with pride

Open Project

Dylan Mazour

Assistant Superintendent

Ed Henderson Profile PictureEd Henderson Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“I never lose. I either win or learn.” – Nelson Mandela

Ed Henderson

Project Manager

Eddie Esoto Profile PictureEddie Esoto Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

Aim high and hit the mark.

Eddie Esoto

Site Manager

Edgar Gallardo Profile PictureEdgar Gallardo Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

“Don't count the days, make the days count.” - Muhammad Ali

Edgar Gallardo

Safety Manager

Edgar Talamantes Profile PictureEdgar Talamantes Profile Picture

Constructed by Wisdom

"Be happy for this moment this moment is your life." - Omar Khayyam

Edgar Talamantes

Assistant Site Services Superintendent

Effendy Mohd Som Profile PictureEffendy Mohd Som Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

One person makes a difference.

Effendy Mohd Som

Site Manager

Elan Kalyanam Profile PictureElan Kalyanam Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

All we have is now. So be the reason for someone's smile today.

Elan Kalyanam

Project Engineer

Elizabeth Summers Profile PictureElizabeth Summers Profile Picture

Built With Wisdom

When in doubt, use common sense.

Elizabeth Summers

Office Coordinator

Elizabeth Thompson Profile PictureElizabeth Thompson Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” – John A. Shedd

Elizabeth Thompson

Employee Development Specialist

Ellie Collins Profile PictureEllie Collins Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Ellie Collins

Project Accountant

Elviro Sevilla Profile PictureElviro Sevilla Profile Picture

Inspired by adventure

Favorite destination: Philippines

Elviro Sevilla

Sr. Site Supervisor

Emma Curd Profile PictureEmma Curd Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life.” – Mandy Hale

Emma Curd

Sr. Project Engineer

Emma Randall Profile PictureEmma Randall Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Don’t dream it, be it.

Emma Randall

IT Technician

Emmanuelle Berger Profile PictureEmmanuelle Berger Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Carpe diem

Emmanuelle Berger

Planning Manager

Emmilea Short Profile PictureEmmilea Short Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

When it’s raining, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars.

Emmilea Short

Sr. Project Engineer

Eric Newhouse Profile PictureEric Newhouse Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Always swing at the first pitch, most of the time it’s a strike.

Eric Newhouse

Sr. Project Engineer

Eric Russell Profile PictureEric Russell Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Push the button - see what happens.

Eric Russell

Project Engineer

Eric Schnepel Profile PictureEric Schnepel Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

“How you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top.” – Yvon Chouinard

Eric Schnepel

Sr. Commissioning Manager

Eric Tyler Profile PictureEric Tyler Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Tierra del Fuego

Eric Tyler

Sr. Procurement Engineer

Erik van Soestbergen Profile PictureErik van Soestbergen Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Once you start something, finish it!

Erik van Soestbergen

Construction Manager

Erin Adams Profile PictureErin Adams Profile Picture

Empowered by Adventure

A favorite destination: Budapest, Hungary

Erin Adams

HR Specialist

Ernesto Hernandez Profile PictureErnesto Hernandez Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

The most precious things in life are not those you can get for money.

Ernesto Hernandez

Electrical Superintendent

Eswaran Velayudham Profile PictureEswaran Velayudham Profile Picture

Building with purpose

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

Eswaran Velayudham

Site Supervisor

Evan Rice Profile PictureEvan Rice Profile Picture

Empowered by experience

I'm not finished when I'm tired, I'm finished when I'm done. – David Goggins

Evan Rice

Commissioning Manager

Evan Ward Profile PictureEvan Ward Profile Picture

Focused on strategy

What they hear matters more than what you say.

Evan Ward

CRM & Database Administrator

Eve Shum Profile PictureEve Shum Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Hong Kong

Eve Shum

Cost Engineer

Faiza Noor Profile PictureFaiza Noor Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Treat others as how you want God to treat you.

Faiza Noor

HR Manager

Farid Laabassi Profile PictureFarid Laabassi Profile Picture

Leading with Inspiration

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." -Albert Schweitzer

Farid Laabassi

Sr. Commissioning Manager

Fong Chun Yean Profile PictureFong Chun Yean Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Time waits for no man.

Fong Chun Yean

Project Manager

Francis Joseph Sinkirimanda Patrick Profile PictureFrancis Joseph Sinkirimanda Patrick Profile Picture

Motivated by Challenges

Nothing comes easy.

Francis Joseph Sinkirimanda Patrick

Project Engineer

Francisco Chavez Profile PictureFrancisco Chavez Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

This too shall pass.

Francisco Chavez

Sr. Superintendent

Frank Lee Profile PictureFrank Lee Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Don’t mistake kindness for weakness.

Frank Lee

General Superintendent

Gabriel Torres Profile PictureGabriel Torres Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.” – Kobe Bryant

Gabriel Torres

M&E Project Engineer

Ganesan Ramadoss Profile PictureGanesan Ramadoss Profile Picture

Ganesan Ramadoss

Site Supervisor

Garrett Wiancko Profile PictureGarrett Wiancko Profile Picture

Empowered by Inspiration

Timing is everything.

Garrett Wiancko

Cost Control Engineer

Gary Welling Profile PictureGary Welling Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Gary Welling

Sr. Superintendent

Geoff Miller Profile PictureGeoff Miller Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

No worries.

Geoff Miller

Sr. Project Manager

George Bullard Profile PictureGeorge Bullard Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Best time of day: Morning, the earlier the better

George Bullard


Glen Feuerborn Profile PictureGlen Feuerborn Profile Picture

Leading with strength

If you have to tell people how great you are, you’re probably not that great.

Glen Feuerborn

VDC Manager

Gopal Muthusamy Profile PictureGopal Muthusamy Profile Picture

Driven by Fortitude

"Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." - Joshua J. Marine

Gopal Muthusamy

Project Engineer

Grace Ambasan Profile PictureGrace Ambasan Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Barcelona, Spain

Grace Ambasan

Sr. BIM Coordinator

Greg Becker Profile PictureGreg Becker Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Life is too short not to make the best and the most of everything that comes your way every day.

Greg Becker

Preconstruction Manager

Greg Naulty Profile PictureGreg Naulty Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Just do it.

Greg Naulty

Sr. Preconstruction Manager

Greg Wimmer Profile PictureGreg Wimmer Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Work hard and play hard.

Greg Wimmer

Exec. VP / Data Center Business Unit Leader

Gregg Fakkema Profile PictureGregg Fakkema Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Great things never come from operating within your comfort zone.

Gregg Fakkema

Sr. Commissioning Manager

Gurumurthy Pugalendhi Profile PictureGurumurthy Pugalendhi Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Be honest.

Gurumurthy Pugalendhi

Construction Manager

Gurushankar Sangarathas Profile PictureGurushankar Sangarathas Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Your choice, your life.

Gurushankar Sangarathas

HSE Manager

Haley Saffer Profile PictureHaley Saffer Profile Picture

Motivated by Positivity

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” - Oscar Wilde

Haley Saffer

Accounts Payable Specialist

Haley Webbert Profile PictureHaley Webbert Profile Picture

Empowered by optimism

“I decided to see every problem as the opportunity to find a solution.” – Walt Disney

Haley Webbert

Sr. M&E Project Engineer

Hannah Shephard Profile PictureHannah Shephard Profile Picture

Inspired by Adventure

Surprising skill: impressive sense of direction.

Hannah Shephard

Procurement Engineer

Hardarshan Singh Profile PictureHardarshan Singh Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Live your life to the fullest.

Hardarshan Singh

VDC Manager

Haridass Ramakrishnan Profile PictureHaridass Ramakrishnan Profile Picture

Leading with positivity

Whatever happens happens for a reason. Learn and move forward.

Haridass Ramakrishnan

Sr. HSE Officer

Haris Mohamed Profile PictureHaris Mohamed Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Favorite destination: My hometown, Kilakarai

Haris Mohamed

Sr. Construction Manager

Harmeet Singh Profile PictureHarmeet Singh Profile Picture

Building with Optimism

Live and let live

Harmeet Singh

BIM Coordinator

Harrison Reece Profile PictureHarrison Reece Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Live life like a 3-1 count.

Harrison Reece

Project Manager

Hayley Theer Profile PictureHayley Theer Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” –Albus Dumbledore

Hayley Theer

Sr. Procurement Engineer

Hector Ramirez Profile PictureHector Ramirez Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Hector Ramirez

Electrical Superintendent

Henry Putra Profile PictureHenry Putra Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Never give up because great things take time.

Henry Putra

Construction Manager

Herb Gomez Profile PictureHerb Gomez Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Carpe diem.

Herb Gomez

Sr. Procurement Engineer

Htein Linn Profile PictureHtein Linn Profile Picture

Focused on Safety

Safety First

Htein Linn

Project Engineer

Hyrum Hallsted Profile PictureHyrum Hallsted Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

"To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life." - James Thurber, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"

Hyrum Hallsted


Ian Moog Profile PictureIan Moog Profile Picture

Leading with strength

If it didn’t kill you, it built character.

Ian Moog


Isaac Aung Profile PictureIsaac Aung Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Time and tide wait for no man.

Isaac Aung

Sr. Project Engineer

Isis Viezca Profile PictureIsis Viezca Profile Picture

Motivated by Achievement

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. - Muhammad Ali

Isis Viezca

Office Coordinator

Ivan De Jesus Profile PictureIvan De Jesus Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“A winner is a dreamer who never gave up.” – Nelson Mandela

Ivan De Jesus

Cost Engineer

Jackson Byrom Profile PictureJackson Byrom Profile Picture

Constructed by Wisdom

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi

Jackson Byrom

Project Engineer

Jacob Madrid Profile PictureJacob Madrid Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream Destination: Amalfi Coast, Italy

Jacob Madrid

Project Engineer

Jacob Sanchez Profile PictureJacob Sanchez Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

The past is history, the future is a mystery. But today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.

Jacob Sanchez

M&E Superintendent

Jacob Selland Profile PictureJacob Selland Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Life has no limitations, except the ones you make” – Les Brown

Jacob Selland

Sr. Project Engineer

Jacqueline Biesterveld Profile PictureJacqueline Biesterveld Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Jacqueline Biesterveld

Office Manager

Jadilyn Durgan Profile PictureJadilyn Durgan Profile Picture

Office Coordinator

“I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me, and my friends respect me.” – John Wayne

Jadilyn Durgan

QA/QC Engineer

Jagan Kaliyaperumal Profile PictureJagan Kaliyaperumal Profile Picture

Constructed with wisdom

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them" – Albert Einstein

Jagan Kaliyaperumal

Sr. Project Engineer

Jaime Mendoza Profile PictureJaime Mendoza Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Rome, Italy

Jaime Mendoza

Project Engineer

Jake Railton Profile PictureJake Railton Profile Picture

Driven by Improvements

Waste is a design flaw.

Jake Railton

Sustainability Coordinator

James Brestel Profile PictureJames Brestel Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Surprising skill: guitar player and vocalist.

James Brestel

M&E Superintendent

James Gulley Profile PictureJames Gulley Profile Picture

Driven by Fortitude

“If you don’t fail, you’re not even trying!” - Denzel Washington

James Gulley

Assistant Electrical Superintendent

James Martin Profile PictureJames Martin Profile Picture

Leading with fun

“Find and fulfill your destiny.” – Clash of the Titans, 1981

James Martin

Sr. Estimator

James Weiler Profile PictureJames Weiler Profile Picture

Inspired by a Strong Work Ethic

"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." - Vidal Sassoon

James Weiler

Safety Engineer

James Wylie Profile PictureJames Wylie Profile Picture

Empowered by Challenges

"Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory." - General George S. Patton

James Wylie

Safety Manager

Jamey Shaw Profile PictureJamey Shaw Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

Jamey Shaw

Sr. Superintendent

Jamuna Raja Profile PictureJamuna Raja Profile Picture

Empowered by action

Tough times don't last, tough men/women will.

Jamuna Raja

Administrative Assistant

Janardhana Rao Profile PictureJanardhana Rao Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Whoever abandons the effort, his talent goes away from him.

Janardhana Rao

Sr. HSE Officer

Jane Gregory Profile PictureJane Gregory Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“In the end only kindness matters.” – Jewel

Jane Gregory

Prequalification Professional

Jared Griffith Profile PictureJared Griffith Profile Picture

Leading with Strength

“The measure of a man is what he does with power." -Plato

Jared Griffith

Assistant Superintendent

Jared Hill Profile PictureJared Hill Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

“There is only one way to succeed in anything … and that is to give it everything” – Vince Lombardi

Jared Hill

Project Engineer

Jared Winters Profile PictureJared Winters Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” – Ralph Emerson

Jared Winters

Sr. M&E Superintendent

Jason Goodrich Profile PictureJason Goodrich Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“I never lose, I either win or learn.” – Nelson Mandela

Jason Goodrich

Sr. Scheduling Manager

Jason Graham Profile PictureJason Graham Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Jason Graham

M&E Project Manager

Jason Kribs Profile PictureJason Kribs Profile Picture

Empowered by experience

Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.

Jason Kribs


Jason Reynolds Profile PictureJason Reynolds Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

“Travel is fatal to prejudice.”  – Mark Twain

Jason Reynolds


Jason Teoh Profile PictureJason Teoh Profile Picture

Driven by vision

Surprising skill: aquaculture and hydroponics.

Jason Teoh


Jay Cornwell Profile PictureJay Cornwell Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

You are not too old and it is not too late.

Jay Cornwell

Accounting Manager

Jay Curley Profile PictureJay Curley Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

“Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” – Albert Einstein

Jay Curley

Sr. Superintendent

Jay Grimes Profile PictureJay Grimes Profile Picture

Empowered by experience

Clear communication is the first step to being successful in whatever you do.

Jay Grimes

Electrical Superintendent

Jayakumar Gnanaprakasam Profile PictureJayakumar Gnanaprakasam Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Be happy always, so that your atmosphere will change automatically.

Jayakumar Gnanaprakasam

Site Manager

Jayakumar Karuppaiah Profile PictureJayakumar Karuppaiah Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Live and let live.

Jayakumar Karuppaiah

HSE Officer

Jayakumar Kaviraj Profile PictureJayakumar Kaviraj Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Be yourself.

Jayakumar Kaviraj

Planning Manager

Jayavel Natarajan Profile PictureJayavel Natarajan Profile Picture

Building with Gratitude

Life is an opportunity and not a privilege

Jayavel Natarajan

BMS Site Manager

Jayavelu Gokulraja Profile PictureJayavelu Gokulraja Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Never give up until you get success and think positive.

Jayavelu Gokulraja

Sr. Site Supervisor

Jayesh Gaikar Profile PictureJayesh Gaikar Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Do the best you can until you know better. When you know better, do better.

Jayesh Gaikar

Sr. Project Engineer

JD Flowers Profile PictureJD Flowers Profile Picture

Empowered by Fun

"Life’s a garden, dig it!” - Joe Dirt

JD Flowers

VDC Manager

Jeck Sheng Lai Profile PictureJeck Sheng Lai Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Best time of day: 5 a.m. - 7 a.m.

Jeck Sheng Lai

Sr. Project Engineer

Jeff Butler Profile PictureJeff Butler Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!” – Henry Ford

Jeff Butler

Preconstruction Manager

Jeff Cohen Profile PictureJeff Cohen Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” – Ernest Hemingway

Jeff Cohen

Sr. Commissioning Manager

Jeff Porter Profile PictureJeff Porter Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Just do it!

Jeff Porter

Sr. Superintendent

Jeffrey Ragudo Profile PictureJeffrey Ragudo Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Our bodies are capable of anything. It’s our mind we have to convince.

Jeffrey Ragudo

Project Manager

Jennifer Vergis Profile PictureJennifer Vergis Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Lake Tahoe

Jennifer Vergis

Scheduling Manager

Jenny Bergren Profile PictureJenny Bergren Profile Picture

Leading with positivity

“Never miss an opportunity to expand.” – Amy Cuddy

Jenny Bergren

Sr. Project Engineer

Jeremy Chamberlain Profile PictureJeremy Chamberlain Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.

Jeremy Chamberlain

Warehouse Technician

Jeremy Horn Profile PictureJeremy Horn Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Be here now.

Jeremy Horn

Sr. M&E Estimator

Jeremy Neilson Profile PictureJeremy Neilson Profile Picture

Driven by wisdom

He who hesitates is lost.

Jeremy Neilson

Scheduling Manager

Jerry Sherman Profile PictureJerry Sherman Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

You only live once! Enjoy it!

Jerry Sherman


Jesse Hernandez Profile PictureJesse Hernandez Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Cancun, Mexico

Jesse Hernandez

Electrical Superintendent

Jessica Henning Profile PictureJessica Henning Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

“Where focus goes, energy flows.” – Tony Robbins

Jessica Henning

Project Engineer

Jessica Palmer Profile PictureJessica Palmer Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Never stop learning. 

Jessica Palmer

Accounts Payable Specialist

Jeyaseelan Ramasubbu Profile PictureJeyaseelan Ramasubbu Profile Picture

Building with Gratitude

"Life is a one-time offer. Use it well." - Mark Timm

Jeyaseelan Ramasubbu

MEP Site Supervisor

Jillian Jensen Profile PictureJillian Jensen Profile Picture

Empowered by Fun

"Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason." -Albert Schweitzer

Jillian Jensen

GMP Accountant

Jim Gunther Profile PictureJim Gunther Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.” – Winston Churchill

Jim Gunther

Sr. Preconstruction Manager

Jim Kilpatrick Profile PictureJim Kilpatrick Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“What lies behind us and what lies before us, are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jim Kilpatrick

Board Chair

Jim Maher Profile PictureJim Maher Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

Trust your gut.

Jim Maher

Oregon Business Unit Leader

Jimmy Smith Profile PictureJimmy Smith Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Don’t worry. Be happy.

Jimmy Smith


Joe Jacot Profile PictureJoe Jacot Profile Picture

Building with purpose

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Joe Jacot

Project Manager

Joe Vlastelicia Profile PictureJoe Vlastelicia Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Joe Vlastelicia

Sr. Project Manager

Joel Corral Profile PictureJoel Corral Profile Picture

Empowered by Winning

"If you ain't first, you're last!" - Ricky Bobby

Joel Corral


Joey Lakowske Profile PictureJoey Lakowske Profile Picture

Constructed with Wisdom

“Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots – but you have to play the ball where it lies.” – Bobby Jones

Joey Lakowske

M&E Superintendent

Joey Wisher Profile PictureJoey Wisher Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in.

Joey Wisher

Cost Control Manager

John Ajayi Profile PictureJohn Ajayi Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

John Ajayi

Sr. Scheduling Engineer

John Paist Profile PictureJohn Paist Profile Picture

Motivated by Challenges

"The difficult we do right away. The impossible will take a little longer." - On the machine shop door of the USS Yorktown

John Paist

IT Manager

Johnnie Largo Profile PictureJohnnie Largo Profile Picture

Leading with Strength

Be stronger than your excuses.

Johnnie Largo

Sr. Field Engineer

Jon Nielsen Profile PictureJon Nielsen Profile Picture

Constructed with wisdom

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell

Jon Nielsen

Commissioning Manager

Jon Sadykbayev Profile PictureJon Sadykbayev Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Life is paradise.

Jon Sadykbayev

Sr. Commissioning Engineer

Joon Ng Profile PictureJoon Ng Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Live life to the fullest.

Joon Ng

Project Engineer

Jordan Jensen Profile PictureJordan Jensen Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Love the life you live. Live the life you love. – Bob Marley

Jordan Jensen

Marketing Manager

Jose Azpurua Profile PictureJose Azpurua Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Keep it simply, but simply doesn't mean easy.

Jose Azpurua

Commissioning Manager

Jose Briones Profile PictureJose Briones Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

If the thing is meant for you, it will be for you. Don’t waste time.

Jose Briones

Sr. Site Supervisor

Joselito Geralin Profile PictureJoselito Geralin Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Veni, vedi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered.

Joselito Geralin

Sr. Site Supervisor

Joseph Saiz Profile PictureJoseph Saiz Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” – Eric D. Thomas

Joseph Saiz

Sr. Field Engineer

Josh Reynolds Profile PictureJosh Reynolds Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

The most important step a man can take is the next one.

Josh Reynolds

Sr. Safety Manager

Jourdan Calaycay Profile PictureJourdan Calaycay Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

Jourdan Calaycay

Project Accountant

Joyce Goh Profile PictureJoyce Goh Profile Picture

Inspired by Change

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi

Joyce Goh

Sr. Document Controller

JR Clark Profile PictureJR Clark Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

JR Clark

Sr. Superintendent

Juan du Preez Profile PictureJuan du Preez Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

God has given me this day to perform, so use time wisely.

Juan du Preez

Commissioning Manager

Juan Miranda Profile PictureJuan Miranda Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Change your thoughts and you change the world.

Juan Miranda


Julie Gibson Profile PictureJulie Gibson Profile Picture

Constructed with Wisdom

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." - Suzy Kassem.

Julie Gibson

M&E Project Manager

Julius Adhisayam Profile PictureJulius Adhisayam Profile Picture

Driven by challenges

Never stop doing your best, just because someone doesn't give you credit

Julius Adhisayam

Site Manager

Julius Ronquillo Profile PictureJulius Ronquillo Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Paris

Julius Ronquillo

Planning Engineer

Justin Antonysamy Profile PictureJustin Antonysamy Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Try your best and never give up.

Justin Antonysamy

Sr. HSE Officer

Justin Cook Profile PictureJustin Cook Profile Picture

Leading with confidence

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right.” – Henry Ford

Justin Cook

Director of Operations

Justin DiNardo Profile PictureJustin DiNardo Profile Picture

Driven by Inspiration

Surprising skill: anything artistic; painting, theater, music, & photography.

Justin DiNardo

IT Technician

Justin Sowell Profile PictureJustin Sowell Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Surprising skill: table tennis

Justin Sowell

QA/QC Manager

Juwel Acharya Profile PictureJuwel Acharya Profile Picture

Building with intention

Well done is better than well said.

Juwel Acharya

Project Engineer

Kacey Myers Profile PictureKacey Myers Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Treat others how you want to be treated.

Kacey Myers

Project Accountant

Kalisvaran Balasubramaniam Profile PictureKalisvaran Balasubramaniam Profile Picture

Inspired by adventure

Dream destination: New Zealand

Kalisvaran Balasubramaniam

HSE Supervisor

Kannan Rajendran Profile PictureKannan Rajendran Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

"Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached." - Swami Vivekananda

Kannan Rajendran

Site Supervisor

Kara Riker Profile PictureKara Riker Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

Kara Riker

Project Manager

Karen Martinez Profile PictureKaren Martinez Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

If you can’t afford it, don’t sport it.

Karen Martinez

Project Manager

Karthikeyan Thangam Profile PictureKarthikeyan Thangam Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Live and let others to live.

Karthikeyan Thangam

Sr. Site Supervisor

Kasie Espinoza Profile PictureKasie Espinoza Profile Picture

Structured by determination

“Decide what to be and go be it.” - The Avett Brothers

Kasie Espinoza

Office Manager

Kat Stevens Profile PictureKat Stevens Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.” – Henry David Thoreau

Kat Stevens

Project Manager

Katherine Fox Profile PictureKatherine Fox Profile Picture

Focused on Prescence

Enjoy the now

Katherine Fox

Accounting Generalist

Katie Covington Profile PictureKatie Covington Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.

Katie Covington

Contracts Administrator

Katie Cummings Profile PictureKatie Cummings Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Portugal

Katie Cummings

AP Specialist

Katie Hunter Profile PictureKatie Hunter Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Well-behaved women rarely make history.

Katie Hunter

Sr. Project Manager

Katie Schmitt Profile PictureKatie Schmitt Profile Picture

Energized by Optimism

"Believe you can and you’re halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

Katie Schmitt

Contracts Administrator

Katie Sciotto Profile PictureKatie Sciotto Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Collect moments, not things.

Katie Sciotto

Project Manager

Kaycee Pershing Hollen Profile PictureKaycee Pershing Hollen Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

“Don’t be afraid to make a mistake.” – George Oscar Bluth Jr., Arrested Development

Kaycee Pershing Hollen

Sr. VDC Coordinator

KC Hatch Profile PictureKC Hatch Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

"In the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity.” - Albert Einstein

KC Hatch


KC Long Profile PictureKC Long Profile Picture

Building with Confidence

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” - Jim Rohn

KC Long

Project Engineer

Kee Chin Keong Profile PictureKee Chin Keong Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

Kee Chin Keong

Preconstruction Manager

Kelly Tuerffs Profile PictureKelly Tuerffs Profile Picture

Leading with strength

The only difference between a winner and a loser is a winner plays until he wins.

Kelly Tuerffs


Kelsey Hoffmeister Profile PictureKelsey Hoffmeister Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

What is and what should never be.

Kelsey Hoffmeister

Payroll Accountant

Ken Goh Kay Hong Profile PictureKen Goh Kay Hong Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Jurong Point

Ken Goh Kay Hong

Site Supervisor

Kenny Ferris Profile PictureKenny Ferris Profile Picture

Empowered by Inspiration

Progress, not perfection.

Kenny Ferris

Safety Engineer

Kenny Riddle Profile PictureKenny Riddle Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Favorite Destination: Backyard with my wife; Dream Destination: Backyard with my wife 20 years from now

Kenny Riddle

Electrical Superintendent

Ketan Patil Profile PictureKetan Patil Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Best time of day: Dawn

Ketan Patil

MEP Manager

Kevin Courtain Profile PictureKevin Courtain Profile Picture

Leading with strength

“… I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” Invictus by William Ernest Henley

Kevin Courtain

Sr. QA/QC Engineer

Kevin Curry Profile PictureKevin Curry Profile Picture

Empowered by Belief

"Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible." -Doug Larson

Kevin Curry

Assistant Electrical Superintendent

Kevin Goff Profile PictureKevin Goff Profile Picture

Driven by Results

Don’t be upset by the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do.

Kevin Goff

Sr. M&E Project Manager

Kevin Hoskins Profile PictureKevin Hoskins Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

The hardest part of anything is thinking about it.

Kevin Hoskins

Cost Control Engineer

Kevin Kelly Profile PictureKevin Kelly Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

You shouldn’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive.

Kevin Kelly

Sr. Project Manager

Kevin Myers Profile PictureKevin Myers Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Trust is built in drops and lost in buckets.

Kevin Myers

Sr. Cost Control Manager

Kevin Ng Profile PictureKevin Ng Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Tough times don’t last, tough man does.

Kevin Ng

Sr. Site Manager

Kevin Rogers Profile PictureKevin Rogers Profile Picture

Leading with strength

“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou

Kevin Rogers

Sr. Cost Control Engineer

Kevin Thompson Profile PictureKevin Thompson Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

“Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life.” – Kurt Vonnegut

Kevin Thompson

Sr. Superintendent

Kim Costello Profile PictureKim Costello Profile Picture

Leading with positivity

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Kim Costello

Contracts Administrator

Kimberly Sutton Profile PictureKimberly Sutton Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“Fortis is striving to be a construction-industry leader with diversity, inclusion and employee experience…I’m excited about the path we’re on.”

Kimberly Sutton

Sr. DEI Manager

Kody Jiron Profile PictureKody Jiron Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Keep on, keeping on …

Kody Jiron

VDC Field Tech

Konnor Lohman Profile PictureKonnor Lohman Profile Picture

Empowered by Positivity

Your attitude and your work ethic are some of the few things you have absolute control over.

Konnor Lohman

M&E Project Manager

Kristin Underwood Profile PictureKristin Underwood Profile Picture

Empowered by Optimism

"To love what you do and feel that it matters, how could anything be more fun?" - Katharine Graham

Kristin Underwood

Employee Development Specialist

Kukrit Suebkha Profile PictureKukrit Suebkha Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Warriorship is a continual journey. To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life.

Kukrit Suebkha

Project Manager

Kuldeep Rabha Profile PictureKuldeep Rabha Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Kuldeep Rabha

BIM Manager

Kurt Tannler Profile PictureKurt Tannler Profile Picture

Leading with strength

To be the man, you have to beat the man!

Kurt Tannler

Talent Acquisition Manager

Kyla Ayers Profile PictureKyla Ayers Profile Picture

Leading with positivity

“No one is you and that is your power.” – Dave Grohl

Kyla Ayers

Sr. Project Accountant

Kyle Hewlett Profile PictureKyle Hewlett Profile Picture

Leading with fun

Racing is living, everything else is waiting.

Kyle Hewlett

Mechanical Superintendent

Kyle Huntley Profile PictureKyle Huntley Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

“You can observe a lot by just watching” – Yogi Berra

Kyle Huntley

M&E Project Manager

Kyle Pierce Profile PictureKyle Pierce Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Kyle Pierce

Sr. VDC Coordinator

Kyle Stucky Profile PictureKyle Stucky Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Knowing is half the battle.

Kyle Stucky


Lai Kai Lam Profile PictureLai Kai Lam Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

To God be the glory!

Lai Kai Lam

Director of Finance and Accounting

Landon Winter Profile PictureLandon Winter Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Be where you are.

Landon Winter

Sr. Project Manager

Laura Caldwell Profile PictureLaura Caldwell Profile Picture

Leading with strength

“You don’t have to be fast. But you’d better be fearless.” – Christopher McDougall

Laura Caldwell

Project Manager

LauraBeth Lewis Profile PictureLauraBeth Lewis Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Remember why you started.

LauraBeth Lewis

Preconstruction Manager

Layne Litteer Profile PictureLayne Litteer Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.” – Paulo Coelho

Layne Litteer

M&E Preconstruction Manager

Lee Stalheim Profile PictureLee Stalheim Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Be yourself and do your best.

Lee Stalheim


Leonard Gonzalez Profile PictureLeonard Gonzalez Profile Picture

Motivated by a higher power

Through God, all things are possible.

Leonard Gonzalez

Assistant Superintendent

Levi Ali Profile PictureLevi Ali Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Levi Ali

Sr. Commissioning Manager

Liam Iovinella Profile PictureLiam Iovinella Profile Picture

Constructed with pride

The strong shall stand, the weak will fall by the wayside.

Liam Iovinella

Project Engineer

Lily Wong Profile PictureLily Wong Profile Picture

Empowered by purpose

Trust in God.

Lily Wong


Lim Yun Jiun Profile PictureLim Yun Jiun Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Iceland

Lim Yun Jiun

Commissioning Manager

Lin Wai Leong Profile PictureLin Wai Leong Profile Picture

Driven by Optimism

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Lin Wai Leong

Project Engineer

Lindsay McIntyre Profile PictureLindsay McIntyre Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

Lindsay McIntyre

Sr. Project Engineer

Logan Venkataraman Profile PictureLogan Venkataraman Profile Picture

Driven by Optimism

This too shall pass

Logan Venkataraman

Project Engineer

Luen Wai Teng Profile PictureLuen Wai Teng Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Charlie: “We only live once, Snoopy.” Snoopy: “We only die once. We live every day!”

Luen Wai Teng

Mechanical Manager

Luis Olivas Profile PictureLuis Olivas Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Challenge by choice.

Luis Olivas

HR Business Partner

Luke Stillar Profile PictureLuke Stillar Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

“Do not dare not to dare.” – C.S. Lewis

Luke Stillar

Project Manager

Lupe Ponce Profile PictureLupe Ponce Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive.” – Dale Carnegie

Lupe Ponce

Safety Manager

Lwin Nyi Nyi Profile PictureLwin Nyi Nyi Profile Picture

Inspired by wisdome

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

Lwin Nyi Nyi

Sr. Project Engineer

Lynzee Gilbert Profile PictureLynzee Gilbert Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.

Lynzee Gilbert

Project Accountant

M Rajkumar Profile PictureM Rajkumar Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Vatican City

M Rajkumar

Construction Manager

M Senthilnathan Profile PictureM Senthilnathan Profile Picture

Inspired by adventure

Favorite destination: Old Trafford, Manchester

M Senthilnathan


Madalena Raglione Profile PictureMadalena Raglione Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

It’s easier to do it right than explain why you didn’t.

Madalena Raglione

Insurance & Risk Professional

Mani Agnihotri Profile PictureMani Agnihotri Profile Picture

Empowered by purpose

Do the best and always be happy.

Mani Agnihotri

Site Supervisor

Mannie Ortiz Profile PictureMannie Ortiz Profile Picture

Leading with Action

"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” - John Maxwell

Mannie Ortiz

Project Manager

Marco Bigio Profile PictureMarco Bigio Profile Picture

Empowered by Optimism

“You have to be where you are to get where you need to go.” - Amy Poehler

Marco Bigio

Data Analyst

Marcus Klein Profile PictureMarcus Klein Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” – Vince Lombardi

Marcus Klein

Sr. Project Manager

Margo Phelan Profile PictureMargo Phelan Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

In happy moments praise God. In difficult moments seek God. In quiet moments trust God. In every moment thank God.

Margo Phelan

Project Accountant

Mario Centolella Profile PictureMario Centolella Profile Picture

Leading with Compassion

Be quick to forgive. The burden of resentment is heavy.

Mario Centolella

Commissioning Manager

Mark Page Profile PictureMark Page Profile Picture

Building with Pride

Together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone.

Mark Page

M&E Superintendent

Mark Schulfer Profile PictureMark Schulfer Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Keep it simple.

Mark Schulfer


Mark Schutz Profile PictureMark Schutz Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“The only things we can truly control all the time are attitude and effort.” – Jim Valvano

Mark Schutz

Sr. Superintendent

Maruthanayakam Kamalakannan Profile PictureMaruthanayakam Kamalakannan Profile Picture

Building with Confidence

Be yourself

Maruthanayakam Kamalakannan

HSE Officer

Mary Nguyen Profile PictureMary Nguyen Profile Picture

Empowered by Inspiration

Often times, the little things mean the most.

Mary Nguyen

Procurement Engineer

MaryClare Bevans Profile PictureMaryClare Bevans Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

“Treat yo self” – Tom Haverford, Parks and Recreation

MaryClare Bevans

Events and Employee Experience Manager

Mas Sugianto Profile PictureMas Sugianto Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

May the force be with you.

Mas Sugianto

QAQC Manager

Mason Bituen Profile PictureMason Bituen Profile Picture

Leading with Strength

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” - Thomas Jefferson

Mason Bituen

Project Engineer

Mason Coulston Profile PictureMason Coulston Profile Picture

Leading with Determination

Whatever road is of greater difficulty, choose it.

Mason Coulston

Project Engineer

Matt Casto Profile PictureMatt Casto Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Everything in moderation, including moderation.

Matt Casto

Sr. Cost Control Manager

Matt Hadfield Profile PictureMatt Hadfield Profile Picture

Driven by Performance

"Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition." - Abraham Lincoln

Matt Hadfield

Sr. Project Manager

Matt Hanson Profile PictureMatt Hanson Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Matt Hanson

Preconstruction Manager

Matt Lovato Profile PictureMatt Lovato Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln

Matt Lovato

Mechanical Superintendent

Matt Pearson Profile PictureMatt Pearson Profile Picture

Leading with intention

"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." - Jane Goodall

Matt Pearson

Oregon Business Unit Leader

Maureen Awitan Profile PictureMaureen Awitan Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Switzerland

Maureen Awitan

Senior Project Engineer (QA/QC)

Max King Profile PictureMax King Profile Picture

Empowered by Inspiration

“The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.” -Frank Herbert

Max King

Sr. Project Engineer

Mayil Veeramuthu Profile PictureMayil Veeramuthu Profile Picture

Constructed with pride

Favorite destination: My hometown, Keeranur

Mayil Veeramuthu

Sr. Site Supervisor

Mayson Tibbs Profile PictureMayson Tibbs Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

You can’t master life until you master yourself.

Mayson Tibbs

Sr. Project Engineer

McKenzie Seifert Profile PictureMcKenzie Seifert Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky

McKenzie Seifert

Sr. Project Accountant

Megan Albanese Profile PictureMegan Albanese Profile Picture

Constructed with wisdom

What's meant to be will be.

Megan Albanese

Events and Employee Experience Specialist

Megan Gile Profile PictureMegan Gile Profile Picture

Constructed with Wisdom

"All things in moderation, with a few glorious exceptions." - Robert Mondavi

Megan Gile

Sr. Estimator

Meghan Smith Profile PictureMeghan Smith Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Work to become, not to acquire.

Meghan Smith

Sr. Project Engineer

Melissa Baughman Profile PictureMelissa Baughman Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“Today you are you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you’er than you.” – Dr. Seuss

Melissa Baughman

Project Accountant

Melissa King Profile PictureMelissa King Profile Picture

Empowered by Positivity

Life is too short to not find joy in the small things in life.

Melissa King

Office Coordinator

Melody Engstrom Profile PictureMelody Engstrom Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Hood River/Columbia Gorge

Melody Engstrom

Assistant Superintendent

Michael Connaughton Profile PictureMichael Connaughton Profile Picture

Empowered by Fun

Live and love like there is no tomorrow.

Michael Connaughton

Sr. Superintendent

Michael Frede Profile PictureMichael Frede Profile Picture

Leading with strength

The only easy day was yesterday.

Michael Frede

Sr. Project Manager

Michael Jimenez Profile PictureMichael Jimenez Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

You don’t have to strive to be the best, just good enough to impress.

Michael Jimenez

Enterprise Application Administrator

Michael Newton Profile PictureMichael Newton Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Luck is the residue of design.

Michael Newton

Cost Control Manager

Michael Pratt Profile PictureMichael Pratt Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Glacier National Park

Michael Pratt

Sr. Project Engineer

Michael Surio Profile PictureMichael Surio Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.

Michael Surio

Sr. IT Engineer

Michael Vita Profile PictureMichael Vita Profile Picture

Building with knowledge

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

Michael Vita

Senior M&E Project Manager

Michelle Brunetto Profile PictureMichelle Brunetto Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.” – The Wizard of Oz

Michelle Brunetto

Sr. Safety Manager

Michelle Hinson Profile PictureMichelle Hinson Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Knowledge is power” – Francis Bacon

Michelle Hinson

Sr. Project Accountant

Mike Blan Profile PictureMike Blan Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Live life to the fullest with no regrets.

Mike Blan

M&E Project Manager

Mike Cohn Profile PictureMike Cohn Profile Picture

Leading with Inspiration

“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” - Christopher Robin

Mike Cohn

Sr. Estimator

Mike Davis Profile PictureMike Davis Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Don’t give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you.” – John Wooden

Mike Davis

Sr. Superintendent

Mike Milligan Profile PictureMike Milligan Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Do it right the first time.

Mike Milligan

Assistant Superintendent

Mike Schille Profile PictureMike Schille Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Wake up determined, go to bed satisfied.

Mike Schille

Data Center Business Unit Leader

Mitchell Dorn Profile PictureMitchell Dorn Profile Picture

Building with Courage

Be brave enough to go after what you really want and strong enough to bring others with you.

Mitchell Dorn

Project Engineer

Moe Stillens Profile PictureMoe Stillens Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Family first.

Moe Stillens

Electrical Superintendent

Mohan Vengadeson Profile PictureMohan Vengadeson Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.

Mohan Vengadeson

Site Manager

Molly Davis Profile PictureMolly Davis Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Chase your happiness!

Molly Davis

Marketing Coordinator

Monica Emmons Profile PictureMonica Emmons Profile Picture

Focused on safety

Work smarter, not harder.

Monica Emmons

VDC Manager

Morgan Kellow Profile PictureMorgan Kellow Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

A true selfless act always sparks another.

Morgan Kellow

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Munsur Ahmed Profile PictureMunsur Ahmed Profile Picture

Built with intention

Favorite destination: Singapore

Munsur Ahmed

HSE Officer

Muthia Sundaram Profile PictureMuthia Sundaram Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Better than before every day.

Muthia Sundaram

HSE Director

Nancy Gupta Profile PictureNancy Gupta Profile Picture

Leading with Passion

Follow what feels like Home!

Nancy Gupta

Cost Control Manager

Narayanasamy Kanagaraju Profile PictureNarayanasamy Kanagaraju Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

This too shall pass.

Narayanasamy Kanagaraju

Commissioning Manager

Natasha Carroll Profile PictureNatasha Carroll Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Egypt

Natasha Carroll

Sr. Preconstruction Manager

Nathan Clark Profile PictureNathan Clark Profile Picture

Leading with strength

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” – Steve Prefontaine

Nathan Clark

Project Manager

Nathan Herrell Profile PictureNathan Herrell Profile Picture

Leading with Discipline

"Relax. Look around. Make a call." - Jocko Willink

Nathan Herrell

General Superintendent

Nathan Joss Profile PictureNathan Joss Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Listen or thy tongue will keep thee deaf.

Nathan Joss


Nathan Manning Profile PictureNathan Manning Profile Picture

Leading With Composure

"...there is always a space in which we can choose how to act. And in that choice, great leaders are made."

Nathan Manning

Sr. Commissioning Manager

Nathan Purtzer Profile PictureNathan Purtzer Profile Picture

Empowered by Wisdom

"If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed." - Admiral William H. McRaven

Nathan Purtzer

Project Engineer

Nathan Ward Profile PictureNathan Ward Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

You can do anything you set your mind to.

Nathan Ward

Systems Administrator

Nathaniel Woo Profile PictureNathaniel Woo Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Make your passion your profession, then work becomes play.

Nathaniel Woo

Talent Acquisition and Development Manager

Nay Tun Profile PictureNay Tun Profile Picture

Motivated by progress

If the path you walk is right, even the footprints left behind are dignified.

Nay Tun

Sr. Project Engineer

Nicholas Musante Profile PictureNicholas Musante Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Only take as much as you need.

Nicholas Musante

Sr. Project Engineer

Nick Delucia Profile PictureNick Delucia Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Any mountain lake

Nick Delucia

Sr. M&E Superintendent

Nick Wells Profile PictureNick Wells Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” – Marcus Aurelius

Nick Wells

Project Manager

Nina Smith Profile PictureNina Smith Profile Picture

Leading with Wisdom

"If you talk about it, it's a dream, if you envision it, it's possible, but if you schedule it, it's real." -Tony Robbins

Nina Smith

Scheduling Manager

Nito Taufui Profile PictureNito Taufui Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Be kind to all.

Nito Taufui


Noah Walsh Profile PictureNoah Walsh Profile Picture

Focused on Goals

Go big or go home.

Noah Walsh

Sr. Project Engineer

Noel Demerin Profile PictureNoel Demerin Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Surprising skill: playing the trumpet and other wind instruments

Noel Demerin

Project Engineer

Noman Ansari Profile PictureNoman Ansari Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Aspire and work for what you want to get in life.

Noman Ansari

Electrical Construction Manager

Nurazreen Mohamed Profile PictureNurazreen Mohamed Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

I deserve the best so I’m going to give the world to myself.

Nurazreen Mohamed

Project Coordinator

Parker Simpson Profile PictureParker Simpson Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

You just gotta keep livin’. L-I-V-I-N

Parker Simpson

Sr. Project Engineer

Parker Young Profile PictureParker Young Profile Picture

Built With Wisdom

The most important thing in life is not the beginning or the end, it is how we live and love and spend our “dash”.

Parker Young


Parthiban Muniyandi Profile PictureParthiban Muniyandi Profile Picture

Inspired by Improvements

"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama

Parthiban Muniyandi

Sr. BIM Coordinator

Pat Kehoe Profile PicturePat Kehoe Profile Picture

Pioneering through innovation

Not a problem! We can facilitate that.

Pat Kehoe

Sr. Superintendent

Patrick Andrews Profile PicturePatrick Andrews Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

Patrick Andrews

Sr. QA/QC Manager

Paul Daniels Profile PicturePaul Daniels Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Communication or confrontation. You decide.

Paul Daniels

Sr. Superintendent

Paul Mack Profile PicturePaul Mack Profile Picture

Constructed with fun

You Only Live Once – YOLO

Paul Mack

Safety Manager

Paul Shaw Profile PicturePaul Shaw Profile Picture

Empowered by Adventure

Dream destination: Machu Picchu

Paul Shaw

Sr. Project Manager

Paula Tappan Profile PicturePaula Tappan Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” – B.B. King

Paula Tappan

Employee Development Manager

Payton Sample Profile PicturePayton Sample Profile Picture

Leading With Wisdom

“To love a place is not enough. We must find ways to heal it.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer

Payton Sample

Sustainability Coordinator

Peder Jensen Profile PicturePeder Jensen Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Attitude and effort take zero talent.

Peder Jensen

Project Manager

Pete Ramey Profile PicturePete Ramey Profile Picture

Empowered by Adventure

Dream destination: La Bombonera Stadium in Argentina.

Pete Ramey

Assistant Superintendent

Peter Gabriel Profile PicturePeter Gabriel Profile Picture

Building with Fortitude

"Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times." - Aeschylus

Peter Gabriel

HSE Officer

Peter Wright Profile PicturePeter Wright Profile Picture

Building with Optimism

Choose happiness

Peter Wright

Project Engineer

Phil Miller Profile PicturePhil Miller Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

It’s only as fun as you make it!

Phil Miller

VDC Manager

Phillipe Cardoso Profile PicturePhillipe Cardoso Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Veritas liberabit vos (The truth will set you free)

Phillipe Cardoso


Prabakaran Subramaniam Profile PicturePrabakaran Subramaniam Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Mauritius

Prabakaran Subramaniam

Logistics Supervisor

Prakash Kasinathan Profile PicturePrakash Kasinathan Profile Picture

Leading with strength

No pain, no gain.

Prakash Kasinathan

Site Manager

Prasanth Malaichamy Profile PicturePrasanth Malaichamy Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Best time of day: Evening coffee with my family

Prasanth Malaichamy

MEP Site Supervisor

Praveen Karuppiah Profile PicturePraveen Karuppiah Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Your crown can be heavy but not your head. Known is a drop and unknown is an ocean.

Praveen Karuppiah

Sr. Site Manager

Rachael McHugh Profile PictureRachael McHugh Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

There is always something to be grateful for.

Rachael McHugh

Safety Administrator

Rachel Duran Profile PictureRachel Duran Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Italy

Rachel Duran

Contracts Administrator

Rachel Gesik Profile PictureRachel Gesik Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” – Yogi Berra

Rachel Gesik

Sustainability Team Lead

Rachel Silver Profile PictureRachel Silver Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

It’s still magic even if you know how it’s done.

Rachel Silver


Rajendran Mariappan Profile PictureRajendran Mariappan Profile Picture

Inspired by curiosity

Dream destination: Bali

Rajendran Mariappan


Rajkumar Govindaraj Profile PictureRajkumar Govindaraj Profile Picture

Driven by Empathy

Share happiness, love, respect, and care

Rajkumar Govindaraj

Sr. Project Engineer

Ramakonar Rengan Profile PictureRamakonar Rengan Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Favorite destination: Temple

Ramakonar Rengan

Site Manager

Ramakrishnan Dhandapani Profile PictureRamakrishnan Dhandapani Profile Picture

Building with vision

Talk less, do more.

Ramakrishnan Dhandapani

Project Engineer

Randi Schieber Profile PictureRandi Schieber Profile Picture

Leading with Inspiration

"Leadership, for a large part, means to be led." - Henri Nouwen

Randi Schieber

Operational Technology Manager

Rao Gutulla Profile PictureRao Gutulla Profile Picture

Leading with wisdom

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

Rao Gutulla

QA/QC Manager

Ratsamy Phouthirath Profile PictureRatsamy Phouthirath Profile Picture

Driven by growth

"Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." - Robert Louis Stevenson

Ratsamy Phouthirath

Workday Specialist

Ravi Ramasamy Profile PictureRavi Ramasamy Profile Picture

Leading with Focus

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Ravi Ramasamy

Sr. Site Supervisor

Ray Grossaint Profile PictureRay Grossaint Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Nepal

Ray Grossaint

Assistant Superintendent

Ray Mollett Profile PictureRay Mollett Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)

Ray Mollett

M&E Preconstruction Manager

Reddy Kaduduoori Narayan Profile PictureReddy Kaduduoori Narayan Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Live and let live.

Reddy Kaduduoori Narayan

Site Supervisor

Reece Braatz Profile PictureReece Braatz Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

Reece Braatz

Assistant Superintendent

Rick Kingery Profile PictureRick Kingery Profile Picture

Inspired by Adventure

Dream destination: scuba diving in the Virgin Islands.

Rick Kingery

Sr. Superintendent

Riley Pinak Profile PictureRiley Pinak Profile Picture

Structured by wisdom

“In the end it’s not the days in your life that count, it’s the life in your days.” – Abraham Lincoln

Riley Pinak

Project Engineer

Rob Harbeck Profile PictureRob Harbeck Profile Picture

Leading with strength

“Adapt and overcome” – SSGT Bullock, Drill Instructor

Rob Harbeck


Robert Rodarte Profile PictureRobert Rodarte Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Challenge your limit, never miss an opportunity.

Robert Rodarte

Sr. Project Engineer

Robert Romero Profile PictureRobert Romero Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Everything is negotiable.

Robert Romero

Sr. Procurement Manager

Roberto Aguilar-Chipres Profile PictureRoberto Aguilar-Chipres Profile Picture

Leading with experience

Speak up to be heard.

Roberto Aguilar-Chipres

Safety Manager

Rodel Maulit Sr. Profile PictureRodel Maulit Sr. Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Do not do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.

Rodel Maulit Sr.

Site Supervisor

Rodney Williams Profile PictureRodney Williams Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver and gold.

Rodney Williams

Sr. Field Engineer

Roland Abad Profile PictureRoland Abad Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Always think positive.

Roland Abad

Sr. QA/QC Engineer

Ron Magnus Profile Picture

Ron Magnus


Rory Luneburg Profile PictureRory Luneburg Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Life is short. Do stuff that matters.” – Siqi Chen

Rory Luneburg

Sr. M&E Project Manager

Roslan Satibi Profile PictureRoslan Satibi Profile Picture

Building with Appreciation

Treasure and appreciate all things around you, as they are hard to come by.

Roslan Satibi

Project Engineer

Rowan Jones Profile PictureRowan Jones Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Gates of the Arctic

Rowan Jones


Rual Peng Profile PictureRual Peng Profile Picture

Empowered by Inspiration

"Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow." -Mary Tyler Moore

Rual Peng

M&E Project Engineer

Ruel Ariola Profile PictureRuel Ariola Profile Picture

Building with Fortitude

Never give up in life.

Ruel Ariola

Sr. HSE Manager

Ryan Eger Profile PictureRyan Eger Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Redwoods National Park

Ryan Eger

Project Engineer

Ryan Eolide Profile PictureRyan Eolide Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott

Ryan Eolide

Assistant Superintendent

Ryan Fujii Profile PictureRyan Fujii Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill

Ryan Fujii

Sr. Project Engineer

Ryan Lewis Profile PictureRyan Lewis Profile Picture

Inspired by Achievement

“Rule #76. No excuses, play like a champion!” - Vince Vaughn

Ryan Lewis

Sr. Project Engineer

Ryan Moya Profile PictureRyan Moya Profile Picture

Driven by wisdom

It takes twice as long to build what you’ve burnt.

Ryan Moya

Assistant Electrical Superintendent

Ryan Rohleder Profile PictureRyan Rohleder Profile Picture

Inspired by Action

What you permit, you promote.

Ryan Rohleder

Safety Director

Rylan Fancher Profile PictureRylan Fancher Profile Picture

Empowered by wisdom

"Slow down in your pursuit of happiness and it’s more likely to catch up with you." - Ernie Zelinski

Rylan Fancher


Safrina Sawal Profile PictureSafrina Sawal Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Live life to the fullest.

Safrina Sawal

Sr. Administrator

Sakthi Balakrishnan Profile PictureSakthi Balakrishnan Profile Picture

Driven by purpose

Life is a gift, aim to live a life worth living.

Sakthi Balakrishnan

Site Supervisor

Sam Donaldson Profile PictureSam Donaldson Profile Picture

Structured by wisdom

Time is the ultimate commodity.

Sam Donaldson

Sr. M&E Project Engineer

Sam Imbler-Bremner Profile PictureSam Imbler-Bremner Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

If you take care of the little things, the big things take care of themselves.

Sam Imbler-Bremner

Sr. Project Engineer

Sam Kaempf Profile PictureSam Kaempf Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Bend/Sunriver, Oregon

Sam Kaempf

M&E Project Manager

Saminathan Rajamanickam Profile PictureSaminathan Rajamanickam Profile Picture

Leading with positivity

No matter what is the environment around you, it is always possible to maintain brand of integrity.

Saminathan Rajamanickam

Sr. Site Supervisor

Sangram More Profile PictureSangram More Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Nothing is permanent except change. Be part of change.

Sangram More

BMS Project Manager

Sanjay Prem Profile PictureSanjay Prem Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Taj Mahal, Agra

Sanjay Prem

Site Supervisor

Sarah Hamaker Profile PictureSarah Hamaker Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

“You miss every shot you don’t take. - Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott

Sarah Hamaker

Communications Lead

Sarah Havener Profile PictureSarah Havener Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Life’s a garden, dig it.

Sarah Havener

Sr. Cost Control Manager

Sarah Liyana Rahman Profile PictureSarah Liyana Rahman Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Every day's a second chance!

Sarah Liyana Rahman

Document Control Coordinator

Sarah Sanseri Profile PictureSarah Sanseri Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Treat people the way you want to be treated.

Sarah Sanseri

Sr. Project Accountant

Saravanan Marimuthu Profile PictureSaravanan Marimuthu Profile Picture

Motivated by Positivity

It is important to focus on positive thoughts in order to develop a positive mindset.

Saravanan Marimuthu

Sr. Site Supervisor

Saravanan Shanmagam Profile PictureSaravanan Shanmagam Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Live happy and let others be happy.

Saravanan Shanmagam

Site Supervisor

Saravanan Subramaniam Profile PictureSaravanan Subramaniam Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Paris

Saravanan Subramaniam

Project Engineer

Sasikumar Ramachandran Profile PictureSasikumar Ramachandran Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Australia

Sasikumar Ramachandran

Sr. Site Supervisor

Sathaiah Alagurajan Profile PictureSathaiah Alagurajan Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

One person can make a difference.

Sathaiah Alagurajan

Construction Manager

Savannah Valles Profile PictureSavannah Valles Profile Picture

Inspired by curiosity

Curiosity is the fuel for discovery.

Savannah Valles

Safety Administrator

Scott Gall Profile PictureScott Gall Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

There’s no crying in baseball.

Scott Gall


Scott Muszanowski Profile PictureScott Muszanowski Profile Picture

Empowered by reflection

"Check your premises." - Ayn Rand

Scott Muszanowski

Sr. M&E Estimator

Scott Radigan Profile PictureScott Radigan Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

Dream destination: Cancun

Scott Radigan

Sr. M&E Estimator

Scott Steussy Profile PictureScott Steussy Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

“Paradise unearned is but a land of shadows!” – The Silver Surfer

Scott Steussy

IT Technician

Sean Cowan Profile PictureSean Cowan Profile Picture

Leading with experience

For those who have fought for it … freedom has a flavor the protected will never know

Sean Cowan


Sean Ferguson Profile PictureSean Ferguson Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Best time of day: Saturday morning

Sean Ferguson

Sr. Commissioning Manager

Sean Owen Profile PictureSean Owen Profile Picture

Empowered by Fun

Work like a captain, play like a pirate!

Sean Owen

M&E Superintendent

Sean Smith Profile PictureSean Smith Profile Picture

Empowered by Challenge

“We must all face the choice between what is right, and what is easy.” -Albus Dumbledore

Sean Smith

Sr. Safety Manager

Seenivasan Janardham Profile PictureSeenivasan Janardham Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Nothing happens by chance, by fate. You create your own fate by your actions.

Seenivasan Janardham

Construction Manager

Senthil Balakrishnan Profile PictureSenthil Balakrishnan Profile Picture

Structured by inspiration

Be honest, passionate, and genuine.

Senthil Balakrishnan

Project Engineer

Senthil Kasthuri Profile PictureSenthil Kasthuri Profile Picture

Inspired by adventure

Favorite destination: Paris

Senthil Kasthuri

Site Supervisor

Sethu Mathavan Profile PictureSethu Mathavan Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Positivity, confidence and persistence are key in life, so never give up on yourself.

Sethu Mathavan

Construction Manager

Shahidul Islam Profile PictureShahidul Islam Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Beach

Shahidul Islam

Senior Site Supervisor

Shane Kucera Profile PictureShane Kucera Profile Picture

Leading with positivity

Whatever you are, be a good one.

Shane Kucera

Marketing Team Lead

Shane Rhoden Profile PictureShane Rhoden Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Talent is everywhere, winning attitude is not.” – Dan Gable

Shane Rhoden

Project Manager

Shannon Murray Profile PictureShannon Murray Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Dance like no one is watching. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Sing like no one is listening. Live like it’s heaven on earth.

Shannon Murray

Prequalification Professional

Sharole Tomaskie Profile PictureSharole Tomaskie Profile Picture

Constructed with wisdom

That which you manifest is before you.

Sharole Tomaskie

Project Accountant

Shaun Key Profile PictureShaun Key Profile Picture

Leading with experience

“We will never lose by helping others outgrow us.” – Dichotomy of Leadership

Shaun Key

Sr. Project Manager

Shea Nolan Profile PictureShea Nolan Profile Picture

Inspired by Teams

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Shea Nolan

Project Engineer

Siva Balasubramanian Profile PictureSiva Balasubramanian Profile Picture

Inspired by widsom

Life is a one-time opportunity - live happily, help others, stay healthy, and always chill out.

Siva Balasubramanian

Project Engineer

Siva s/o Subramaniam Profile PictureSiva s/o Subramaniam Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Beach

Siva s/o Subramaniam

HSE Officer

Skyler Chavez Profile PictureSkyler Chavez Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Skyler Chavez

Commissioning Manager

Sridhar Murugesan Profile PictureSridhar Murugesan Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Keep calm and win from within.

Sridhar Murugesan

Project Manager

Srinivasan Kothandan Profile PictureSrinivasan Kothandan Profile Picture

Driven by purpose

It's a powerful reminder to treat others with kindness, empathy, and respect.

Srinivasan Kothandan

Sr. Project Engineer

Stacy Lewallen Profile PictureStacy Lewallen Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

Stacy Lewallen

Director of Finance and Accounting

Stephanie Wetjen Profile PictureStephanie Wetjen Profile Picture

Leading with Fun

Be a ray of sunshine in someone else’s life.

Stephanie Wetjen

Office Manager

Stephen Boliver Profile PictureStephen Boliver Profile Picture

Empowered by Fun

Everything will kill you so choose something fun.

Stephen Boliver

Assistant Superintendent

Stephen McArdle Profile PictureStephen McArdle Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite destination: Vietnam

Stephen McArdle

M&E Preconstruction Manager

Steve Baldonado Profile PictureSteve Baldonado Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.

Steve Baldonado

M&E Project Manager

Steve Flintjer Profile PictureSteve Flintjer Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Integrity is measured by your willingness to try and your inability to give up

Steve Flintjer

Sr. Superintendent

Steve Folin Profile PictureSteve Folin Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Be prepared.

Steve Folin

M&E Superintendent

Steve Garcia Profile PictureSteve Garcia Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

Steve Garcia


Steve Johnson Profile PictureSteve Johnson Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

What we do in life echoes through eternity.

Steve Johnson

Sr. Project Engineer

Stuart Engelke Profile PictureStuart Engelke Profile Picture

Focused on safety

Mission first - safety always.

Stuart Engelke

Safety Manager

Subashini Nagarajan Profile PictureSubashini Nagarajan Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

“Don’t be dead serious about your life, it’s just a play.” – Sadhguru

Subashini Nagarajan

Sr. Project Engineer

Suh Lian Ng Profile PictureSuh Lian Ng Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Fall seven times, stand up eight.

Suh Lian Ng

Sr. Cost Manager

Surayah Ishak Profile PictureSurayah Ishak Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Peace begins with a smile.

Surayah Ishak

Sr. Administrator

Suresh Kumar Profile PictureSuresh Kumar Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

Live and let live.

Suresh Kumar

MEP Commissioning Manager

Syahrizan Selamat Profile PictureSyahrizan Selamat Profile Picture

Driven by destiny

You are born with a purpose.

Syahrizan Selamat

Project Engineer

Tahir Samsudeen Profile PictureTahir Samsudeen Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Do what you love.

Tahir Samsudeen

Sr. Project Engineer

Tallon Cargill Profile PictureTallon Cargill Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

How you do anything is how you do everything.

Tallon Cargill

Sr. M&E Project Manager

Tammie David Profile PictureTammie David Profile Picture

Constructed with pride

It is what it is.

Tammie David

Sr. M&E Project Engineer

Tammy Roshay Profile PictureTammy Roshay Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Greece

Tammy Roshay

Payroll Manager

Tan Hoong Jian Profile PictureTan Hoong Jian Profile Picture

Motivated by Improvements

"Stay hungry, stay foolish." - Steve Jobs

Tan Hoong Jian

Project Engineer

Tara Messa Profile PictureTara Messa Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Pohnpei, Micronesia

Tara Messa

Data Manager

Tate Bankston Profile PictureTate Bankston Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Japan in the winter

Tate Bankston

Project Manager

Taylor Rose Profile PictureTaylor Rose Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Work hard, play hard!

Taylor Rose

Project Manager

Thangavel Pillai Ramachandran Profile PictureThangavel Pillai Ramachandran Profile Picture

Building with Positivity

Keep smiling

Thangavel Pillai Ramachandran

Sr. HSE Officer

Thirumal Subraj Profile PictureThirumal Subraj Profile Picture

Inspired by optimism

Today is the best day!

Thirumal Subraj

Site Supervisor

Thomas Nelson Profile PictureThomas Nelson Profile Picture

Constructed with pride

It is what it is.

Thomas Nelson


Thomas Strunk Profile PictureThomas Strunk Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.” – Randy Pausch

Thomas Strunk

Sr. Project Controls Manager

Tim Day Profile PictureTim Day Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

Tim Day

Sr. Safety Manager

Tim Johnson Profile PictureTim Johnson Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” – Teddy Roosevelt

Tim Johnson

Workforce Development Manager

Tim Opell Profile PictureTim Opell Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.” – Tywin Lannister, “Game of Thrones”

Tim Opell

M&E Superintendent

Tim Petch Profile PictureTim Petch Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Never turn down an opportunity before giving it consideration.

Tim Petch

Project Director

Tim Ruchert Profile PictureTim Ruchert Profile Picture

Driven by Authenticity

"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it. - Marcus Aurelius

Tim Ruchert

Systems Administrator

Tina Burgdorf Profile PictureTina Burgdorf Profile Picture

Empowered by experience

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Tina Burgdorf

Administrative Assistant

Todd Andersen Profile PictureTodd Andersen Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

In thoroughness is satisfaction.

Todd Andersen

Sr. Project Manager

Todd Cleveland Profile PictureTodd Cleveland Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Always be alert and in control.

Todd Cleveland

Sr. M&E Superintendent

Todd Humphries Profile PictureTodd Humphries Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Greece

Todd Humphries

Sr. Preconstruction Manager

Todd Mayham Profile PictureTodd Mayham Profile Picture

Leading with inspiration

It’s all mind over matter and if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.

Todd Mayham


Todd Siler Profile PictureTodd Siler Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right.

Todd Siler

Warehouse Manager

Todd Van Beek Profile PictureTodd Van Beek Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Can’t stop, won’t stop.

Todd Van Beek


Tom Sowa Profile PictureTom Sowa Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“The only journey is the one within.” – Rilke

Tom Sowa

Sr. Safety Engineer

Toni Graves Profile PictureToni Graves Profile Picture

Constructed with wisdom

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” – Dolly Parton

Toni Graves

Safety Administrator

Tony Gleeson Profile PictureTony Gleeson Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

The harder you work the luckier you get.

Tony Gleeson

Sr. Construction Manager

Topher Warren Profile PictureTopher Warren Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Favorite Destination: Riviera Maya in Mexico

Topher Warren

Electrical Superintendent

Tracie McMaster Profile PictureTracie McMaster Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Nothing plays a greater role in how we construct our fortunes and misfortunes than the thoughts we choose to think.” – Mike Dooley

Tracie McMaster

HR Business Partner

Travis Harris Profile PictureTravis Harris Profile Picture

Empowered by knowledge

You are who you want to be most.

Travis Harris

Sr. Superintendent

Travis Parks Profile PictureTravis Parks Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Quitters never win and winners never quit.

Travis Parks


Tri Pazoureck Profile PictureTri Pazoureck Profile Picture

Empowered by fun

Work hard, play hard.

Tri Pazoureck

Sr. M&E Project Manager

Troy Humphrey Profile PictureTroy Humphrey Profile Picture

Leading with strength

If you’re not first, you’re last.

Troy Humphrey


Troy Rolles Profile PictureTroy Rolles Profile Picture

Empowered by Excellence

"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson

Troy Rolles

Assistant Superintendent

Troy Salyer Profile PictureTroy Salyer Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

Attitude and effort.

Troy Salyer

Sr. Safety Manager

Tyler Buckner Profile PictureTyler Buckner Profile Picture

Constructed by Persistence

"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional." - Roger Crawford

Tyler Buckner

Project Engineer

Tyler Judd Profile PictureTyler Judd Profile Picture

Building with Intention

Dream destination: Serengeti, Tanzania

Tyler Judd

Sr. M&E Superintendent

Tyler Mann Profile PictureTyler Mann Profile Picture

Building with Confidence

Fortune favors the brave

Tyler Mann


Tyler Paldi Profile PictureTyler Paldi Profile Picture

Leading with Humility

"I don’t believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be.” - Ken Venturi

Tyler Paldi

Sr. Talent Acquisition Manager

Vanessa Smithwick Profile PictureVanessa Smithwick Profile Picture

Empowered by inspiration

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.

Vanessa Smithwick

Cost Control Engineer

Vasoo Subars Profile PictureVasoo Subars Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Work hard and learn to be a team player.

Vasoo Subars

Sr. HSE Superintendent

Velayutham Ananth Profile PictureVelayutham Ananth Profile Picture

Inspired by fun

Surprising skill: dancing

Velayutham Ananth

Site Supervisor

Vinoth Viswanathan Profile PictureVinoth Viswanathan Profile Picture

Inspired by curiosity

Dream destination: traveling the world

Vinoth Viswanathan

Site Supervisor

Wade McCans Profile PictureWade McCans Profile Picture

Driven by wisdom

“To do nothing is the way to be nothing.” – Hawthorne

Wade McCans

Commissioning Engineer

Wang Liquan Profile PictureWang Liquan Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

“Success comes from curiosity, concentration, perseverance and self-criticism.” – Einstein

Wang Liquan

Sr. Project Engineer

Wayne Dyer Profile PictureWayne Dyer Profile Picture

Driven by wisdom

“Integrity is the seed for achievement. It is the principle that never fails.” – Earl Nightingale

Wayne Dyer

Electrical Superintendent

Will Henningsen Profile PictureWill Henningsen Profile Picture

Empowered by Action

Always try something new.

Will Henningsen

Warehouse Technician

Will Hudson Profile PictureWill Hudson Profile Picture

Empowered by adventure

Dream destination: Italy

Will Hudson

Assistant Superintendent

Will Mau Profile PictureWill Mau Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Win with humility, lose with grace.

Will Mau

Sr. Estimator

Wilson Sim Profile PictureWilson Sim Profile Picture

Leading with strength

Veni, vidi, vici.

Wilson Sim

QAQC Manager

Wyatt Naegle Profile PictureWyatt Naegle Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

Wyatt Naegle

Preconstruction Manager

Yap Wee Leong Profile PictureYap Wee Leong Profile Picture

Empowered by positivity

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius

Yap Wee Leong

Project Engineer

Yesenia Gonzalez Profile PictureYesenia Gonzalez Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

Everything happens for a reason.

Yesenia Gonzalez

Document Control Administrator

Younus Md Profile PictureYounus Md Profile Picture

Focused on safety

Safety is everybody’s responsibility. Take it seriously and do it dutifully.

Younus Md

HSE Officer

Yul Delos Reyes Profile PictureYul Delos Reyes Profile Picture

Built with wisdom

Time is gold to those who don’t have it.

Yul Delos Reyes

Sr. Project Engineer

Zamri Abdul Karim Profile PictureZamri Abdul Karim Profile Picture

Motivated by Equality

Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.

Zamri Abdul Karim

HSE Coordinator

Zara Ballew Profile PictureZara Ballew Profile Picture

Empowered by experience

"Do or do not, there is no try" – Yoda

Zara Ballew

IT Technician

Zin Min Ko Profile PictureZin Min Ko Profile Picture

Structured by optimism

There’s a will, there’s a way.

Zin Min Ko

Commissioning Manager

Messeges... Do not remove
